Silent Hill - Horror
Silent Hill is a horror film about a young girl called Sharon Who the 'cult' are after because they believe that she will serve as the incubator for their God who will rid their lands of ash and darkness.
In this shot, there is a Women being killed or fighting and getting thrown around showing even though the camera is shooting at a low angle to show power she is clearly powerless she is reaching for her butchers knife or she has just dropped it both show powerlessness. It is in black and white which shows that its is a horror. |
In this shot it shows you a medium close up of one of the monsters in the film this helps you see the incite of the film and what problems the main characters face. |
This shows that in the film people are going to die because it is setting you up for the future events. |
Shows a sneak peak of the main monster and their main adversary, They also have a had names going in and out of the motion picture of director and producers ect... |
The representation of people vs monsters is that monsters are bigger and more powerful, The non-diagetic music in the background is very sinister and mysterious and fritening to give the viewer a sence of the atmosphere in the film. There is not much of Mise-en-scene in this opening sequence but we re show that it is an asylum and that they do experiments there because there were x-ray results on one of the walls and all of the corridors and rooms reselmbeled that of a hospital but darker and more sinister. The editing in this opening sequence would of been wuite hard seeing as most of it is special effects and animated characters but all of the names where weaved in inbetween the fighting and mystery to not take the attenyion of the viewer away from the events.
Se7en - Thriller
This shot shows us the name of the film that the opening sequence is about and to remind us. Also that way it is writen and presented in the actual opening sequence is very jumpy and it looks like it was filmed by an oldfashioned camera and this is sterotypical when scary proffesers on sycopaths made a home film of what they were doing. |
This image shows us that he was making his own film or getting some pictures from the film This gives us some incite to the film it's self but not much because at this piont in time you don't know who the person is or why he is doing this so it makes you want to keep on watching. |
This screen shot shows us that they blanked out the whole screen to put the names in as if they were seperate to what was going on so we would notice them more and not just ignore them and watch the film. |
This Screen grab shows the viewer that he was conducting some king of experiments on people (children in this case) he/she is putting hair into a bag the viewer would presume that this is a stand of hair from the boy in the picture. |
The representation of the person in this opening sequence is that he is very smart to be conducting this experiments on people at his own home or an abondoned house or somewhere completely different but you can tell it is not in a labratory because of the Mise-en-scene and all of the equimpent is not the same and he was use the proper equipment if he was in a labratory. Sound is very mystreous and the fact that it is non-diagetic helps with that. The editing for this opening sequence is very jagged and jumpy one because it is made to look like it was filmed from home and from an hold caera with film tape not a digital camera also the were no special effects in this opening sequence it was all done just by a camera man and an actor, the editing was very good when the names come up and the whole screen goes black the effect really helps the atmosphere of the film be set.
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