Tuesday 4 December 2012

MAIN: Post 3

Interview Notes and How It Influences My Sequence.

In watching the interview of Kyle Cooper the first thing i noticed is that the title scene of any film is meant to set an initial expectation for the film and so the flow seamlessly into each other this could be because it has normally has an introduction to a main part of the film or it focuses on the protagonist of the film and an obsession or interests that link into the film, I also learnt that it can also set a background for the film and show a clear metaphor. Secondly, he said that a great opening sequence or any type of sequence uses fluent dynamics and has clear originality of the designer/ maker of the sequence. He also personally likes to use his own hand made effects when he is filming because it adds that originality and because he finds that it looks better in the sequence but accidents can happen while you try to make your own effects. But he also said that you should not rule out editing because sometimes it is cheaper and accidents that are harmful to the actors can be easily avoided. This will influence my sequence because there are a lot of useful ideas and tips in his interview and some of his title sequences are one of my favourites and well known to me as well.

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