Thursday, 29 November 2012

MAIN: Post 2

My Secondary Research On Popular Genres:

Comedy films have been named as the UK's favourite cinema genre, a poll (from the Telegraph) has found, as the public choose to laugh their way through the tough times.

Comedy films UK most's popular genre
Simon Peggs Films 'Hot Fuzz' and 'Shaun of the dead' were voted by fans are their favourite comedy film of all times.
Police spoof Hot Fuzz, starring Simon Pegg, was voted by fans are their favourite comedy film of all time. 
More than one in five cinema-goers chose to attend a comedy flick, the poll of more than 5,000 UK cinema-goers found.
Action/adventure films were next with 15 per cent of the vote while romantic "romcom" comedies secured 12 per cent in the survey for the cinema chain Odeon.
Nearly a quarter of those who took part in the poll overall (24 per cent) named police spoof Hot Fuzz, starring Simon Pegg, as their favourite comedy film of all time.
The survey also found regional variations, with the action adventure genre particularly popular in Oxford, Bollywood in Brighton, comedy in Cardiff, gangster in Norwich, sci-fi in Coventry, horror in Wolverhampton, musical in Worcester and rom com in York.

Also someone has anticipated the next to 20 films for the end of this year here is the list as follows (furthermore more information on this list at this link

1.The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
2.The Dark Knight Rises

3.The Avengers


   John Carter


 5.The Hunger Games

Those are the top five Films the rest are on the website.
This research helped my understand that everyone wants a good entertaining film no matter what the genre as long as it is entertaining.

My Questionnaire and  Analysed Results:

This is my questionnaire for my main task, it is mainly focused on the different genres of films and what they prefer such as comedy, thriller, action etc.. these results will have some influence on what genre my group pick for the opening sequence but it will not all rely on this questionnaire. (Some questions could not be turned into pie charts but i will still talk about them) I have asked 10 friends out side of class and 5 family member, boys and girls and they were also all between the age of 15 and 19 so this is an un-biased questionnaire.

Question 1:
In Question one i asked 'What’s your favourite genre of film?' this entitles us to find out the favourite genres of people aged 15 to 19 (our target audience) comedy is clearly favoured within this age group, the second favourite is Rom-coms which at 27% run quite close behind to comedy's 30% this shows us that people like to watch films just to have a good laugh and relax not go and see a thriller (which got 0%) and obviously don't like the thrill and adrenaline.

Question 2:
In Question two I asked 'What type of film do you watch more of?' I asked this question because i know even if you have a favourite genre you don't always get to watch it because of the times of film tat come out. Although I think this comedy is clearly the most watched with 57% of people who i asked to do the questionnaire favoured and watched more of. Horror is the next most watched genre at 15% followed by a mix of Rom-coms, Sci-fi and action all at 7%.
Question 3:
in Question three of my questionnaire i asked 'Why?' this why was related to the previous question of why they go and watch comedy or horror most of the answers related to 'Because it's funny' or 'I like the thrill' this showed us that they just liked it for the pure comedy or the pure Thriller/Horror aspect of the films not to do with the plot or characters.
Question 4:
For Question four I asked 'What do you expect to see in an opening sequence?' most people made comments along the lines of 'An interesting fell' and 'A song that suits the film and genre' these comments help me to decide what to put in to my opening sequence and how to construct and structure it.

Question 5:
In Question five I asked 'When do you go to the cinema?' I asked this to find out how reliable their comments are and whether they have much experience of seeing opening sequence.
Question 6:

For Question six I asked 'If you go to the cinema who do you go with?' I asked this question because I wanted to find out the sort of people that I would be doing this opening sequence for.

This has helped me realise that people watch a lot of the mainstream films and the films that they produce and don't go out of their way to watch something they like so it wouldn't matter what genre my opening sequence is because there will always be people that watch it and will like it not depending on the genre but depending on the quality and entertainment factor of the opening sequence.

MAIN: Post 1

Fight club opening sequence:

The camera is constantly moving directions following a path outwards from the fear centre of our protagonists brain. It seems the camera travelling around the brain is going on a journey. The background music for the opening sequence is pretty much the same through out the opening, which helps to create suspense on the build up to an event. The colours used in the opening help to magnify the brains image as shards of light are constantly moving around as if to show the brains activeness. The opening sequence of this film is quite misleading and boring as it doesn't give many clues to what it is about.

Conventions of fight club
Sound (non diagetic)
Name of film

Casino royale opening sequence:

The opening sequence of Casino Royale seems to be following a journey which help to give people an idea of what the film is about and what it is about( using abstract effects to construct the story in an original way). (fighting, poker) The camera is constantly moving between different events occurring in the video. The colours that are use are very bright (the colours of poker cards) which are very eye catching. The camera at the end of the sequence gradually zooms in on one individual ending up with an extreme close up on the main characters face. This is an action film that involves many stunts as I've seen the film many times. The film is exciting and dangerous which is what makes it a good film. From the opening, I see what the film is going to be about, seeing poker cards and guns shows me its going to involve this events which makes me want to watch the film. The film appeals to a younger age group going up to middle age. Overall i think the trailer is good as it gives the audience a little bit of an idea of what the film is about.

I am researching about different types of genres so when i come to producing my own short film, I will have an idea to what sort of actions I will need to include.

Conventions of Casino Royale

Name of film
Non diagetic music
Events that occur in the film

Post 12

I also was thinking about changing the room completely. firstly, to get a better light for filming in and secondly,this room was quite small to film in because with the tripod as well it was hard to move the equipment around and get it in the right position for filming.

this is proof of me checking my posts with spell check to make all the spelling and grammar correct to make my post look more professional and effective.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Post 11

>My main target for this preliminary task was to create a fun and entertaining short film that included all the points that we had to include. If the film was made to the best of my ability i personally think that i could of made it appear more professional and once the editing is completed i believe i will be able to achieve this.

>Another target shall be lighting, within my film we had an issue with lighting and this caused some of our sequences to be rather dark, we overcame this by increasing the amount of natural light coming into the room and by also using reflective boards within are filming so we could control the amount of light and what it highlighted.

> I would also like to improve on my general filming of the preliminary task due to the fact that some of my shots were not as good as they could be, i could improve them by using a different shot and also by changing their angle of the camera because in most of the shots the camera is tilted and makes every thing appear off balance.

> Another target will be to improve my script due to the fact that it is rather basic and i believe as part of a team we could improve it.

>My final target is to improve the level of my blog, i shall do this by checking all of my spelling and grammar. In addition to this i will develop what i have written and make it much more detailed .